26 декабря 2012

Впервые в истории FTC, "Бета", команда FTC 3550 из Айовы, участвовала в Чемпионате Австралии 8 декабря 2012 (9 декабря австралийское время) как команда-гость.

"Бета" отправила своего робота в Австралию, где австралийские добровольцы FTC взяли робота команды "Бета" и представили его для инспекции и собеседования вместе с веб-камерой на ноутбуке, чтобы упростить связь с командами и судьями во время мероприятия. Ранее "Бета" участвовала в интервью с судьями через сеанс Skype, и затем, из Центра Carver Center at DuPont Pioneer в Джонстоне, Айова, Члены команды "Бета" сотрудничали с австралийскими добровольцами FTC, чтобы управлять роботом в игре FTC "Ring It Up!" на игровом поле.

Стоит отметить, что управлять роботом на большом расстоянии команда пробовала и на Учебно-тренировочном сборе Программы "Робототехника" осенью, где руководитель команды Дэн Эдвардс присутствовал в качестве гостя и консультанта.

Ниже вы можете более подробно ознакомиться с событиями на английском языке.

The first FTC Tele-competition was extremely successful!

For the first time ever in FTC history, Beta, FTC team 3550 competed from half way around the world in the Australia Championships on Dec. 8, 2012 (Dec. 9 Australian time) as an exhibition team. Beta shipped their robot to Australia where Australian FTC volunteers took Beta’s robot around to the various judging and inspection areas along with a webcam on a laptop to facilitate communications with teams and judges at the event. Earlier in the tournament, Beta participated in the judges interview via a Skype session, and then, from the Carver Center at DuPont Pioneer in Johnston, Iowa, Beta team members collaborated with Australian FTC volunteers to drive the robot on the "Ring It Up!" game field. www.usfirst.org/ftc

The day of the event, instead of doing a few practices and an exhibition match, the Australian teams invited Beta to compete in the qualifying rounds! Beta competed in 5 matches, and for the first time ever in FTC history, scored by placing a ring on the rack with a robot that was remotely controlled from over 9,000 miles away!

For a story behind the project, check out the FIRST Tech Challenge blogspot

http://firsttechchallenge.blogspot.com/ Tuesday, December 4, 2012 Making the Connection

Attached is a photo of Apollo, Beta's robot that scored in the first Tele-competition in FTC history.

Check out video of the event where Beta scored in the low goal on the first match and on the rack in the second match.

Australia Tele-competition first ring scored on rack by remotely controlling the robot from 9,000 miles away


Australia Tele-competition match #1 with Beta 3550 from West Des Moines, Iowa


There were several glitches along the way, but despite these challenges, the demonstration was successful! The challenge now is to improve the communications, reduce latency, and further refine the process to eventually create more opportunities for teams to connect, collaborate, and even compete around the world!

A huge thanks to all the people who put an enormous amount of energy into this project to make it successful!

· DuPont Pioneer for hosting the home team, providing space and audio-visual equipment for the event

· National Instruments for sponsoring the event

· Fabulatech for providing USB Over network software

· Dan Edwards from FTC Iowa for facilitating the first remote control test in Iowa and first world wide test in Moscow.

· FTC Iowa for all the support, encouragement, and push to make this a success

· Australia FTC for the many hours of testing, preparing for the event, and serving as liaison for Team Beta and their robot, Apollo.

Look for more tele-competition excitement at the Iowa Championships in February!

Jordan Burklund

?eta, FTC team 3550


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